Church at Work


The Church at Work

 The week of


March 23, 2025


Pastor Becky Cuddeback                                                              e-mail:

Every Member a Minister             1640 Main Street, Bloomsburg         Church Phone:  784-9271

Web page:                  Church secretary’s e-mail:  lightstumc@ptd. net

Like us on Facebook:  

Our Vision – “Shining Christ’s Light with Worship, Missions, Education, Connections”


30 Pieces of Silver, a sacrificial offering for Lent.  This year’s goal is to raise funds for a generator ($2,500) and 2 air conditioners ($950) for Withrow College in Ghana. Watch your donations extend Christ’s love halfway around the world.  Give power to Withrow College through Christ’s power.  30 Pieces offering envelopes are at the rear with additional information.


Easter Dinner, FREE community dinner for anyone who is alone or any family who will come together with us.  Pastor Becky and Cheri Bissinger are heading up this community meal. Talk to Cheri or Pastor Becky about what you can contribute and how you can spread resurrection joy through Lightstreet. Easter dinner will begin at noon on Easter Sunday – and will be served as long as there is food. 


Sun., March 23, 2-4 pmYouth Group!! Held in the church building because of a scouting event in the Lighthouse.  Enjoy some time with Sarah, Dan, Hope and Pastor Becky.  Everyone in Middle School or High School is invited and welcome.  Friends who are not a part of this church are welcome. 


Mon., March 24, 6:30 pmChurch Council meeting in the Sr. High classroom in The Lighthouse.  The meetings are open and not limited to the elected officers.


Tuesdays through April 8, 10:00 am or 6:30 pmLenten Bible study, The Third Day, written by Bishop Tom Berlin.  Please read Chapter 4, the road to Emmaus. Classes are held in The Lighthouse, the large classroom on the Monroe Avenue side of the gym. 

 April 1-5, 9:00 am – 7:00 pmColumbia County Traveling Library is holding their spring book sale in The Lighthouse!  Used books in all categories not limited to history, fiction, cookbooks, crafting books, self-help, and home repair; plus DVD’s and CD’s; all at very low prices.  If you are a reader, this is a bonanza for you.  If you are not a reader, you might be surprised at the selection of movies, puzzle books or hobby books.

            Preview sale is Monday, March 31, 5-7 pm.  Admission for non-members of the library is $10, but to thank us for providing space for their fundraiser, all church people will be admitted without charge.  Come and get first choice of the wide selection. 


8:15 Worship service on April 6 will be in the church building sanctuary.  The library volunteers and staff will be tearing down the book sale. 


Need ideas to tuck into Easter baskets? Pick up some ScripPro gift cards.  Proceeds from your purchases are split equally between the charities and missions that the church supports and our general operating fund.  With a day’s notice in-stock cards can be picked up at Dent Plumbing & Heating. Links to lists of available cards:     


Stock the Blessings Box:  Easter Sunday is April 20.  Friends and neighbors hopefully will eat Easter Dinner with us.  Still it would be nice to provide Easter specials.  A small can of ham is just $2.19 at a local grocery store, instant stuffing mix, instant or cans of potatoes, peanut butter. Perhaps individually wrapped candy and small toys for Easter baskets. It allows our neighbors who otherwise maybe couldn’t afford these little extras to give thanks and celebrate the resurrection of Jesus with us!



AA – Al-Anon – Alateen


Al-Anon meets in The Lighthouse Mondays, 7:00 pm.  Use the rear entrance.

AA meets Monday, Wednesday, Friday, 6:00 pm in the church building lounge.