Church at Work


The Church at Work

 The week of


January 12, 2025


Pastor Becky Cuddeback                                                              e-mail:

Every Member a Minister             1640 Main Street, Bloomsburg         Church Phone:  784-9271

Web page:                  Church secretary’s e-mail:  lightstumc@ptd. net

Like us on Facebook:  

Our Vision – “Shining Christ’s Light with Worship, Missions, Education, Connections”


Mon., Jan. 13, 6:30 pmChurch Trustees meeting in the Sr. High classroom in The Lighthouse.  The trustees have accepted the responsibilities to represent the church in any legal matters that may come up as well as caring for maintenance and upkeep of buildings and grounds.  Meetings are open to any who is interested.  Brian Snyder, Terry Dent, Barb Savage, Donna Winn, Michael Mills, Larry Creasy, Diane Chapin, Frank Dent


VBS Dinner Club


Thurs., Jan. 16, 6:00-8:00 pmMiddle and High School kids meet with Chris Klock and Pastor Becky.  Enjoy food and friendship. Friends who are not part of this church are welcome. 


Mon., Jan. 27, 6:30 pmChurch Council meeting in the Sr. High classroom in The Lighthouse.  Please note: the meeting is not in the church building.  Church Council is the governing body of our church.  Officers are chosen to represent all areas and aspects of our ministries.  The meetings are open and not limited to the elected officers.  Those who have agreed to serve the best interests of LUMC:  Deb Sokol (chair), Doug Sitler (finance), Amy Dent (church treasurer), Terry Bogert (pastor, staff, and parish relations), Bill Kocher and Carla Travelpiece (co-chairs of missions and outreach), Carly Megargell and Conner Mills (youth representatives), Tammy Wolfe (recording secretary), Pastor Becky Cuddeback.


Feeding our neighbors:


Offering envelopes and direct ACH offering donations:  Please see Amy Dent to begin using church offering envelopes or direct ACH transfers from your account to the church account.  Amy Dent will provide statements to track your giving.  Contact Amy to arrange convenient, safe, secure and confidential ways to contribute to the work of LUMC. 


ScripPro gift cards support LUMC.  Proceeds are split equally between the charities and missions that the church supports and our general operating fund.  Choose from a large in-stock selection before or after the 8:15 am service every Sunday in the Lighthouse; the first Sunday of the month after the 10:30 service in the church building.  With a day’s notice in-stock cards can be picked up at Dent Plumbing & Heating. Links to lists of available cards: Place an order from thousands of cards available from our suppliers.  


AA – Al-Anon – Alateen


Al-Anon is meeting in person in The Lighthouse Mondays, 7:00 pm.  Use the rear entrance.

AA is meeting in person Monday, Wednesday, Friday, 6:00 pm in the church building lounge.




Luke 3 (CEB)

16 [John the Baptist is speaking], “I baptize you with water, but the One who is more powerful than me is coming. I’m not worthy to loosen the strap of His sandals. He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and fire. 17 The shovel He uses to sift the wheat from the husks is in His hands. He will clean out His threshing area and bring the wheat into His barn. But He will burn the husks with a fire that can’t be put out.”

22b There was a voice from heaven: “You [Jesus] are my Son, whom I dearly love; in You I find happiness.”