Church at Work


The Church at Work

 The week of


February 9, 2025


Pastor Becky Cuddeback                                                              e-mail:

Every Member a Minister             1640 Main Street, Bloomsburg         Church Phone:  784-9271

Web page:                  Church secretary’s e-mail:  lightstumc@ptd. net

Like us on Facebook:  

Our Vision – “Shining Christ’s Light with Worship, Missions, Education, Connections”


 Souper Bowl of Caring Tackled Hunger with your donations of $155 and 167 items to remedy food and nutrition insecurity by those who use The Blessings Box.  Thank you for tissues, toilet paper and all the food, personal and household items donated all through the year.

            Protein food items are in highest demand and the most expensive when you’re already on a tight budget. Please add a jar of peanut butter, jar of nuts, or pouch of shelf-stable pepperoni, chicken, tuna, or salmon to the cart this week.


Mon., Feb. 10, 6:30 pmChurch Trustees meeting in the counting/choir room; at the top of the stairs from the rear entrances – organ side of the sanctuary.  The trustees can always use help caring for our buildings and grounds. 


Tues., Feb. 11 – Deliver dinner to Ronald McDonald House in Danville.  Menu: ham, potatoes, mac & cheese, veggies, fruit, rolls, as well as snacks to stock their pantry.  See Nancy Campbell or Barb Savage to coordinate food donations.  Meet at the church at 4:30. After the delivery, our group will gather for dinner and laughter at a local restaurant.  If you can’t assist with delivering food to Ronald McDonald House, perhaps meet the group for dinner.  Dinner reservations need to be made so please contact Nancy. 


Tues., Feb. 11, 6:30 pmStaff-Parish Relations Committee meeting in the ground floor social hall of the church building.  This committee works within the relationships of all paid and volunteer staff and the congregation.  Because they deal with personnel issues, meetings are typically closed, but not always.  Terry Bogert (ch), Bonnie Sutton, Doug Sitler, Ben Dodge, Tammy Cover, Wayne Farver, Kelly Klinger


Tues., Feb. 18, 6:30 pmMissions team meeting in the large classroom in The Lighthouse.   If you are a part of the Missions team and are unable to attend, please talk to Bill Kocher or Carla Travelpiece.  The meeting is not limited to the team.  All who are interested are welcome.


VBS Dinner Club


Thurs., Feb. 20, 6:00-8:00 pmMiddle and High School kids meet with Chris Klock and Pastor Becky.  Enjoy food and friendship. Friends who are not part of this church are welcome.  Gather in The Lighthouse to see what you can whip up.


Sun., Feb. 23, 4-7 pmBSA Troop #44 Soup & Salad fundraiser in The LighthouseCost: $10 for all the soup and salad you care to eat; rolls and beverages included.  Desserts available for a separate donation.  Take-outs available while supplies last. 


Mon., Feb. 24, 6:30 pmChurch Council meeting in the Sr. High classroom in The Lighthouse.  The meetings are open and not limited to the elected officers.  Deb Sokol (ch), Doug Sitler, Amy Dent, Terry Bogert, Bill Kocher, Carla Travelpiece, Carly Megargell, Conner Mills, Tammy Wolfe, Pastor Becky Cuddeback.


Tuesdays, March 4 – April 8, 10:00 am or 6:30 pmThe Third Day, a six-week Lenten study focuses on the experiences of several characters around Jesus during His final days, their despair at losing Him, and the surprise and joy that awaits them in the Resurrection.

Join Pastor Ron and Pastor Becky as they lead this exciting new study by Bishop Berlin. Books have been ordered ($10); some are available today with more coming next week.


ScripPro gift cards support LUMC.  Proceeds are split equally between the charities and missions that the church supports and our general operating fund.  Choose from a large in-stock selection before or after the 8:15 am service every Sunday in the Lighthouse; the first Sunday of the month after the 10:30 service in the church building.  With a day’s notice in-stock cards can be picked up at Dent Plumbing & Heating. Links to lists of available cards:    


Health Fair:  Sat., Feb. 22, 10 am – 2 pm – St. Columba, Bloomsburg.  FREE:  body scan, blood pressure screening, hearing screening.  Free, but donations of non-perishable food are requested. 


AA – Al-Anon – Alateen


Al-Anon meets in The Lighthouse Mondays, 7:00 pm.  Use the rear entrance.

AA meets Monday, Wednesday, Friday, 6:00 pm in the church building lounge.